The Dos and Don’ts of Machine shop Safety.
There are many modern machine shops out there in the market today that can get your manufacturing job done from a few hours to a few days. There are many things to keep in mind when you are in the process of deciding where to go with your manufacturing requests.
The potential machine shop should have a variety of state-of-the-art equipment. It should have the capability to do both manual machining and CNC machining. The staff should be skilled and experienced; a great ensemble of machines is useless without the able machinists who know how to get the most out of them. The Machine shop must be clean, well-managed and uncluttered. In other words, it should be organized. Remember, appearances are everything and can tell you a lot about the core values of the machine shop and that they prioritize quality. Whether it is a CNC machine shop or a manual machine shop, they should have high output and fast turnaround times. Safety should be a top priority
The last one is probably the most sensitive matter that would be the focus for today. Though many people would not see much value in thinking about safety. It is, however, a win-or-lose battle, not only for the clients but also for the manufacturing company. Canadian Occupational Safety has clear and strict guidelines about how safety can be maintained in a machine shop. From a client’s perspective, a reliable and responsible CNC machine shop is the one that follows all the safety guidelines and gives top priority to safety. If a machine shop does not take care of their workers and their machines, what would you expect about your job getting done right or professionally